Advanced filtering

Using an advanced filter enables filtering materials accurately by utilising conditions. In Dashboard, filtering numerical scale questions presented as groups is only possible by using an advanced filter.

The advanced filter enables a broader utilisation of filters with the help of group operators. Start by clicking the Advanced filter button (can have a different name depending on survey) in the Dashboard top row.


The separate filtered variable selection screen opens. You can name an advanced filter as you like.

It is formed by series of conditions and the conditions underlying these series. The series can either be an AND operation (all of the following are true so each condition applies to the filtered replies), or an OR operation (any of the following is true so having one provided condition be true in the filtered replies is enough).

When the filtering operation is either AND or OR, you can add a condition to the filter by clicking Insert new condition. Here you can choose any question in the survey. The related operations vary according to the chosen question. The operations for a normal multiple choice question are presented in the picture below.

You can add several conditions, like below, and they allow choosing one option (for example is… And is not…) or several options (includes…) depending on the selected operation.

In an advanced filter, you can also set series of conditions inside series of conditions in highly demanding filters that are rarely required (see picture below).


Removing an advanced filter

You can remove a condition by placing the mouse cursor on the condition and clicking grey minus button that appears to the right.

You can completely remove an advanced filter by resetting Dashboard to the default values.