Survey results

In Dashboard, survey results are presented in the form of mini-applications that usually present one analysis at a time or a computerised cross-referencing of two analyses.

Next, we’ll take a look at the different analysis types in the mini-applications.

Numerical table

A numerical table presents the number of replies for the analysis. When studying the total results, the numerical table generally presents the total number of replies for the survey, but when delimiting the results, it also shows the number of replies for the delimited results. Delimiting results and materials is described in more detail in section Filtering material.

Simple chart

A simple chart presents the analysis results as a regular bar chart. In a simple chart, the result distributions can also be stacked or, for instance, presented as numerical scale averages.

Open replies

The replies to the survey’s open questions are condensed into a so-called word cloud. The word cloud is both a visual and a quantitative presentation method that demonstrates the key content of the open replies. The larger the word or reply to a specific question, the higher its frequency in the replies.

Open replies can also be presented according to the attached listing, enabling adding some background information related to the open reply, such as respondent’s recommendation evaluation, re-selection, or satisfaction with operations.

Attention point chart

An attention point chart presents the connection between the importance of aspects and their success. The attention point chart presents aspects that need to be maintained (insignificant aspect with high level of success), observed (insignificant aspect with low level of success), and developed (significant aspect with low level of success). In addition, the attention point chart shows the strengths for operations (significant aspect with high level of success).


Tables generally present a comparison of operational aspects according to different background variables. A table can also be colour-coded where results that are clearly stronger or weaker compared with total result are highlighted in a certain colour (red = clearly poorer result in relation to total result, green = clearly better result in relation to total result).